Shortcut keys for computer switching projection

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Shortcut keys for computer switching projection
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In Windows, the shortcut key for switching projection is Win+P. By pressing the Windows key and the letter P key simultaneously, you can quickly open the projection setting menu. This menu provides several options, including Computer Screen Only, Projection Only, Copy, and Expand modes. By selecting the corresponding mode, you can easily switch the display mode between the computer screen and the projection device.

In Mac OS, the shortcut key for switching projection is Command+F1 (or Command+Fn+F1). Pressing these shortcut keys will automatically mirror the Mac screen to an external monitor or projection device.

In addition, some laptops may also have special hardware function buttons to switch projection operations. Generally, find a symbolic icon or text similar to "F4", "F5", "LCD/CRT" on the laptop and use it with the Fn (function) key to complete screen switching.

It should be noted that there may be some differences between different brands and models of equipment. Please refer to the relevant manuals or official websites for accurate information according to the specific computer models you use.
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FN+F (with box icon on it) key
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Can you describe how the display is abnormal.
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Can use win+P, Lenovo laptop can use FN+f3
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