Why does the mobile phone connect to wifi and the computer connect much slower?

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Why does the mobile phone connect to wifi and the computer connect much slower?
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In the same WiFi environment, there may be different network speeds between computers and mobile phones for several reasons to consider:

1. Network adapter or WiFi network card problem: The network adapter or WiFi network card on the computer may be faulty or incompatible, which will lead to the decline of network connection quality. It is recommended to check the status of related devices in the Device Manager and ensure that the driver is the latest version.

2. Hardware problems: If the computer hardware fails, such as the hard disk, memory module, CPU and other components are damaged, the network speed may be affected. It is recommended to conduct a comprehensive hardware test on the computer to eliminate such problems.

3. Virus infection: If there are viruses or malicious software in the computer, they may occupy bandwidth and reduce network speed. Use authoritative anti-virus software to comprehensively scan the system and eliminate potential threats.

4. Resource competition: Other running applications may also consume a lot of network resources, thus slowing down the overall network speed. Use Task Manager to monitor currently running processes and close unnecessary programs to free bandwidth.

5. System settings: Some incorrect configurations (such as proxy server, DNS settings, maximum transmission unit, etc.) may affect the stability and speed of network connections. It is recommended to check and reconfigure relevant network parameters.

To sum up, the above factors may lead to different network speeds between computers and mobile phones in the same WiFi environment. In order to solve the problem, it is necessary to check one by one according to the specific situation and take corresponding measures to repair it.
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Restart the router and try. If this problem still occurs, you are recommended to try the wifi network in other environments to see if it still occurs.
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How far is the wifi
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ZOL Q&A > wireless router > other > Why does the mobile phone connect to wifi and the computer connect much slower?

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