What to do if the win11 app store cannot be connected to the Internet

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What to do if the win11 app store cannot be connected to the Internet
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Win11 has updated the interface and search function of the app store, so many users who update to Win11 want to try this app store. However, some users have encountered the problem that the win11 app store cannot be connected to the Internet. We can solve this problem by turning on the relevant Internet settings. Let's take a look. What should we do if the win11 app store is unable to connect to the Internet? Method 1: First, we find the Start menu in the taskbar and open it. Select "Settings" to enter. 2. Then enter "Network and Internet" in settings 3. Enter "Network and Sharing Center" in advanced network settings 4. Then find and select "Internet Options" 5. Finally, check "TLS1.1" and "TLS1.2" under the advanced tab. 6. After setting, click "OK" to save and open the app store normally.
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If you have backed up data before, or there is no data to be backed up in the phone at present, it is recommended that you try to enter Recovery (turn off, press the volume up+power on key to enter recovery mode) to clear all data, and do not restore data after power on, to see if it can solve the problem, if it still cannot be solved, It is recommended that you try line brushing to the latest development version. Please brush the machine according to the machine brushing tutorial. The sixth way is line brushing: http://bbs.xiaomi.cn/thread-3104435-1-1.html At the same time, please download the appropriate wire brush package: http://rom.xiaomi.cn/ This is the machine brushing video made of rice noodles: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTEyMjQ1MzI4.html
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Open the network in Music Settings.
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Go to the Internet to download a wireless network connection tool! If not, back up the phone data, and then the grid phone is OK!
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ZOL Q&A > What to do if the win11 app store cannot be connected to the Internet


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