How to set automatic rotation when Huawei mobile phones are completely turned off

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How to set automatic rotation when Huawei mobile phones are completely turned off
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As a popular smart phone brand, Huawei mobile phones have many practical functions. The lock screen rotation function can adjust the screen direction according to user needs. Sometimes we may want to keep the phone in a fixed direction when the screen is locked, instead of rotating with the phone. How to set the lock screen on Huawei mobile phones without rotation?

There are two ways for Huawei mobile phones to automatically rotate the screen.

The first method is to enter [Settings] - [Display] - [Auto Rotate] of the phone, and click the switch on the right to turn this function on or off.

The second method is to slide down at the top of the screen, call up the shortcut menu, find the [Auto Rotate] shortcut switch, and click on or off.

Both methods can easily control whether the screen rotates automatically according to the device direction.

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1. Open the phone, find the setting icon on the desktop, and click to enter.
2. After entering the setting page, find the display option and click Open.
3. Go to the display page and click the automatic rotation option.
4. Click the switch on the right side of the automatic rotation option to close it.
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Tool materials:
Huawei mobile phone

Turn on/off automatic screen rotation

Method 1: Set the screen to rotate automatically through shortcut
The first step is to unlock our mobile phone and slide down from the top on the desktop, as shown below:

Step 2: After opening the function shortcut, click Auto Rotate. When we vertically or horizontally screen, it will automatically rotate. Note that the mobile phone desktop will not automatically rotate, as shown in the following figure:

Method 2: Turn on/off the automatic rotation of the screen through the phone settings
The first step is to find the settings in our mobile phone and click them, as shown in the following figure:

Step 2 After entering the setting interface, slide down to find "Display" and click it, as shown in the following figure:

Step 3 After entering the display interface, you can see that automatic rotation is off, as shown in the following figure:

Step 4: click auto rotation to start, and the mobile phone screen will rotate with the direction of holding. The most common way is to watch videos, as shown in the following figure:
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Tool raw materials; Huawei mobile phone
First find the settings on the screen of Huawei mobile phone

360 Q&A is displayed in the settings

In the display, you can automatically rotate the screen and slide it to the left to close it
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > Other classifications > How to set automatic rotation when Huawei mobile phones are completely turned off


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