Notebooks sometimes come from automatically deleting files

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Notebooks sometimes come from automatically deleting files
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Sometimes when my computer is turned on, when the mouse is placed on the desktop file and it has not been double clicked, it will be deleted continuously, no matter what it is, it will be deleted all the time. Occasionally, it will appear infrequently, just like a D View All

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There may be several reasons for the laptop to automatically delete files. The following are some common possibilities and solutions:

1. Viruses or malware: Your laptop may be infected with viruses or malware. These programs will run in the background and automatically delete files. To solve this problem, you can run anti-virus software to conduct a comprehensive scan, and update and install the latest anti-virus programs in a timely manner.

2. Insufficient storage space: If your hard disk is full, the operating system will automatically clean up some temporary files or useless files to free up storage space. However, in this process, it sometimes mistakenly deletes some important files. Check the remaining space on the hard disk and try to keep more than 10% of the free space.

3. Incorrect settings or operations: Sometimes the user mistakenly sets some functions or performs wrong operations, which causes the system to automatically delete files. For example, enable the "Permanently delete" option in the recycle bin, use command line tools (such as the rm command), and so on. Make sure you are careful when using the computer and avoid unknown operations.

4. Automatic backup and synchronization services: Some cloud storage services (such as Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.) provide automatic backup and synchronization functions. When you delete a local file, they will also synchronously delete the corresponding file on the cloud. Check whether you use such services, and understand their settings and operation methods.

If the above solutions are not applicable or the specific reason cannot be determined, it is recommended to contact professional technicians for further troubleshooting and repair.
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Update failed 360 Q&A, please install frequently
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Perform troubleshooting as follows:
1. First check whether the CPU fan, video card fan, power fan, etc. have a slow 360 Q&A speed or stop running, causing problems caused by high internal temperature of the computer.
2. Check whether the power supply is under powered and the power output is stable. Under the test of replacing the power supply, if the power supply is replaced, it will be normal and the power supply is damaged.
3. If it is the same to change the power supply, consider that there is a problem with the computer system, and reinstall the original operating system first.
4. If you reinstall the system, you need to further check the motherboard, memory, hard disk and other hardware, use the replacement method to determine the faulty hardware, and then replace it.
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Is there a short circuit between the HOME key and it. The keyboard problem, the button down blowing.
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One is to check whether a key is stuck. If not, do as follows. It is suggested that we first check and kill the Trojans for the lack of one special match and two different solutions, and then try to repair the system. It is recommended that you download the Windows Cleanup Assistant to check and kill malware and trojans: download the 360 System First Aid Kit to scan the system 1. Please use the system restore that came with the system to restore to the point when you did not have this failure (or use the restore software to restore the system. If you cannot enter the 360 Q&A system, press F8 to enter the safe mode to restore the system). 2. If the fault persists, use the system disk to repair it. Open a command prompt, enter SFC/SCANNOW and enter (there is a space between SFC and/). Insert the original system disk to repair the system, and the system will automatically compare and repair. 3. If the fault persists, set the optical drive as the first boot device in the BIOS, insert it into the original system, install the external injection type energy dew eye-catching peripheral disk, press R and select "Repair Installation". 4. If the fault persists, it is recommended to reinstall the operating system. To use the system restore method that comes with the system: system restore: "Start"/"Programs"/"Accessories"/"System Tools"/"System Restore", click "Restore my computer to an earlier time", and then click Next, you will see that the date page has a dark date, that is, the restore point. After you select it, Click Next to restore (Win7 restore the system, and then select the device and security sub options on the control panel, and then backup and restore the selected pipe, crack, fruit saving, and rice grabbing lines as the protection item).
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > other > Notebooks sometimes come from automatically deleting files


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