When playing lol, when typing fast, you always flash back, and then pop up an English window. Why

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When playing lol, when typing fast, you always flash back, and then pop up an English window. Why
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When playing LOL, if you type fast and then flash back, and an English window pops up, there may be several reasons:

1. Insufficient system resources: LOL is a large-scale online game, which needs to occupy more system resources. If your computer has low performance or is running other programs that consume a lot of resources, it may cause flashback.

Solution: Close other programs running in the background, clean computer memory, optimize computer performance, etc.

2. Network connection problem: unstable network or high delay may also cause the game to flash back. When you enter text, the game needs to communicate with the server and synchronize data. If the network connection quality is poor, it is easy to cause flashback.

Solution: Make sure your network connection is stable, and try to avoid playing games in peak hours to reduce delay.

3. Abnormal plug-in or software interference: some third-party plug-ins or software may conflict with LOL, resulting in flashback.

Solution: Disable all unnecessary plug-ins and software, and update the latest version. If the problem persists, try reinstalling LOL to eliminate potential file corruption or errors.

4. Game client problem: In addition to the above reasons, the game itself may also have some bugs or errors, leading to flashback.

Solution: Update the game to the latest version, and ensure that your computer has sufficient hardware requirements to run LOL.

If the above methods still fail to solve the problem, it is recommended that you contact the official customer service of LOL or ask for help on the relevant forums, and they will guide you to solve the problem more specifically.
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The video card needs to be replaced
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Download LOL box
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Alas, I also have this problem. It should be a problem with the computer configuration. It may also be that the interface settings in your LOL are set too high. It is recommended that you first type custom, and then you can come out after entering. It will be better to play again
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ZOL Q&A > When playing lol, when typing fast, you always flash back, and then pop up an English window. Why


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