Paste the text in Word into Excel table, and how to deal with horizontal and vertical text?

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Paste the text in Word into Excel table, and how to deal with horizontal and vertical text?
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When pasting Word text into an Excel table, horizontal and vertical lines of text need to be processed. The following is the handling method:

1. Horizontal text: If the pasted content is arranged horizontally, you can use the "Transpose" function in Excel to convert it to vertical arrangement. The specific operation steps are as follows:
-Paste horizontal text into a blank cell.
-Select the cell and copy (Ctrl+C).
-Right click the target location, select "Options" ->"Special Settings" ->"Reverse Order", and then click OK.
-Right click the target location and select the Paste option of "Value".

2. Vertical text: If the pasted content is arranged vertically, you can paste it directly into an Excel table.

matters needing attention:
-Before pasting, preset the appropriate size and format in the Excel table to accommodate the required data.
-Some data may exceed the cell size. Please adjust the cell size or font size to ensure full display.

Hope the above answers are helpful to you!
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No need to reinstall. You must have misoperated. Select the valid range, copy and paste. If not, please click in detail
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Hope to have answers, learn
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Paste it into TXT, and all formats will disappear. Paste it into Excel, and it will be plain text
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ZOL Q&A > Paste the text in Word into Excel table, and how to deal with horizontal and vertical text?


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