How to deal with the failure to find the CAD installation registration machine in the software manager?

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How to deal with the failure to find the CAD installation registration machine in the software manager?
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1. First, you need to download the AutoCAD_2022_Simplified_Chinese_Win_64bit_dlm.sfx program from the official website and select a decompression directory.

2. Before running the program, please check the Agree to Terms of Use and click the Next button.

3. Next, you can select the installation path, which is disk C by default.

4. Click the Install button to begin the installation process.

5. Once the installation is complete, click Exit the Installation Wizard to complete the installation process.

6. Copy the patch file to the installation directory of AutoCAD, and run the patch file AutoCAD2022-2021Patch.exe (please note that the anti-virus software will misreport the virus, please add it to the trust list).

7. Click the Apply button, and the activation process can be successfully completed after the prompt of modification is completed.

8. Now you have successfully used AutoCAD 2022 for free.
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Windows computer has its own search function. You can search Skype.
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1. The registration machine cannot activate the solution. Right click to run with administrator privileges. 2: Register machine copy to computer desktop from
2. Start from the System>Run>Enter "REGEDIT" to find the following registry path: HKEY_LO
3. This problem occurred in 2010
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It is normal that the registration machine will be misinformed by security and anti-virus software. Ignore it. After CAD is activated, the registration machine can be deleted.
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1. Disconnect the network (unplug the network cable or disable the network card);
2. When installing, enter the serial number: 666-69696969,
667-98989898, 400-45454545, 066-66666666, etc. Product key: 001H1;
3. After installation, start autocad2017, click "Activate", select "Apply for activation code using offline method", click Next, copy the "Request number" for backup, and then click "Close";
4. Restart autocad2017, click Activate, and select I have an Autodesk activation code.
5. Run the registration machine as an administrator, first click "patch", then copy the "request code" to the registration machine, and click "generate" to get the "activation code" in the window of the registration machine;
6. Copy the "activation code" obtained in the previous step to CAD
In the 2017 activation interface, click Next to complete the activation.
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1. Download the running program AutoCAD_2022_Simplified_Chinese_Win_64bit_dlm.sfx and select the decompression directory
2. Check I agree to the terms of use, next step
3. Select the installation path. The default disk is C
4. Click Install
5. After installation, click to exit the installation wizard
6. Copy the patch to the installation directory, and run the patch AutoCAD2022-2021Patch.exe (note: antivirus software will report virus, please add trust)
6. Click Apply, and you will be prompted to complete the modification
7. Now you can use it for free
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360's own uninstall software can be found and uninstalled
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