Lenovo Thinkpad1420 USB flash drive ghost reinstallation system PE installation win7 is unable to start from hard disk for experts

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Lenovo Thinkpad1420 USB flash drive ghost reinstallation system PE installation win7 is unable to start from hard disk for experts
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If your Lenovo ThinkPad 1420 fails to boot from the hard disk, it may be due to the following reasons:

1. Hard disk problem: First, please confirm whether the hard disk works normally. You can try to enter the BIOS setting interface to check whether the hard disk is recognized and set as the boot device. If the hard disk is not recognized or has other error messages, you may need to replace or repair the hard disk.

2. Boot sequence: check whether the boot sequence is set correctly. Please ensure that the hard disk is set as the priority boot device, and other unnecessary boot options (such as USB, optical drive, etc.) are disabled. This allows the system to load the operating system from the hard disk.

3. Operating system installation problem: If you use PE to load the Windows 7 operating system, but cannot successfully install it from the PE environment to the hard disk, and cannot start from it, an error may have occurred during the installation process. Please try to reinstall Windows 7 again and make sure that you select the correct partitioning and formatting options and the target location (usually the C: drive) for installation.

4. UEFI/BIOS setting: Some computers use UEFI firmware instead of traditional BIOS. In this case, make sure that the UEFI/BIOS settings are compatible with the operating system you are trying to boot, and adjust them accordingly.

5. Other problems: If the above steps do not solve the problem, you may need to further check other hardware or software problems. It is recommended to contact Lenovo customer service or seek professional help for more detailed troubleshooting and repair.

In short, the failure to boot the operating system from the hard disk may be caused by a variety of reasons. By carefully checking the hard disk, boot sequence settings, and installation process, you are expected to solve this problem and successfully start the system. If you encounter difficulties, please be sure to seek relevant technical support.
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Try to repair the guide. In fact, you can install the original version of Win7. It's better to use it to repair the Red Cross box
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It should have nothing to do with the hard disk mode. The hard disk information has been read, but the Windows file is missing.
You'd better change to a ghost image. There is a problem with this one.
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The reset hard disk can be started.
Step 1: Press the DEL or F2 key to enter the BIOS,
Step 2: select the "Advanced BIOS Features" setting item and press Enter to enter;
Step 3: Select the first item (boot from the hard disk);
Step 3: Press F10, then select "Y", click "Enter" to complete the setting, and restart the computer.
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ZOL Q&A > Internet behavior management > other > Lenovo Thinkpad1420 USB flash drive ghost reinstallation system PE installation win7 is unable to start from hard disk for experts

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