The Dell desktop computer only displays the Dell icon when it is turned on, and cannot access the system

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The Dell desktop computer only displays the Dell icon when it is turned on, and cannot access the system
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If the Dell icon is always displayed after the Dell computer is powered on, it means that the POST of the computer is not successfully completed. The following are the steps to eliminate and solve the problem step by step:

1. Restart the computer, and press TAB or F2 when the Dell LOGO screen appears (the notebook is usually F2 or other designated hot key) to enter the CMOS setting interface.

2. In the CMOS setting interface, find the "Advanced BIOS Features" tab and close the "Full Screen LOGO Show" function. Through this operation, you can view the POST information and determine the problem according to the relevant prompts.

In addition, it should be noted that:

3. In the Windows system, press F2 to enter the BIOS setting interface.

4. If you have successfully started Windows, you do not need to do the above.

5. After successfully entering the BIOS interface, you should see an interface with white characters on a blue background.

I hope the above methods can help you solve the problem that Dell computers cannot start normally. If the problem persists, please try to contact professional technical support personnel for more detailed and personalized solutions.
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1. The fault is that after GHOST is installed, the main boot record of WIN7 is modified to GRUB4DOS, but the MENU cannot be found (or not at all) LST file.
To solve this problem, do the following:
When the above interface appears, press C to enter the GRUB command line (marked with the grub flag), and enter the following command:
find --set-root /bootmgr
chainloader /bootmgr
You can enter win7. Note: The above commands should be entered line by line, and the space should also be noted.
After starting and entering WIN7, create a MENU.lst file under C: and write the above three lines to the file to start WIN7 normally. As for one click GHOST, you need to add several lines of commands in the file according to the actual situation of your GHOST system.
Check GHOST's documents for details
title Ghost
find --set-root /ghldr
chainloader /ghldr
If successful, add the above lines to the Menu.lst file.

2. Use the diskgenius in the PE system to write the boot and activate the lower C disk
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ZOL Q&A > Internet behavior management > system > Phone power on > The Dell desktop computer only displays the Dell icon when it is turned on, and cannot access the system

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