Why can't my computer connect to my own wifi, but his own wifi can

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Why can't my computer connect to my own wifi, but his own wifi can
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Your computer can't connect to your WiFi for the following reasons:

1. Incorrect password: Please make sure you have entered the correct WiFi password. If the password is incorrect, the computer will not be able to connect to the network.

2. Insufficient signal strength: WiFi signals are affected by physical obstacles (such as walls, floors, etc.) and distance. If you are too far away from the router or there are too many obstacles blocking it, the signal may be weak and the connection cannot be successful.

3. IP address conflict: If other devices have used the same IP address as your computer, the conflict will occur and the connection will not be possible. Try restarting the router or changing the IP address of the computer to fix the problem.

4. Router failure: Check whether the router works normally. Restart the router or use other devices to test to determine whether the router failure is the cause of the problem.

5. Driver problem: Updating the network adapter driver may also solve the problem. You can try to visit the computer manufacturer's website to download the latest version of drivers and install them.

6. Security setting restrictions: Some security settings (such as MAC filtering, firewall, etc.) may prevent specific devices from connecting to the WiFi network. Please check the settings of the router to ensure that your computer is not prohibited from connecting.

If the above solutions still fail to solve the problem, it is recommended that you contact the network service provider or professional technicians for further diagnosis and repair.
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Open the phone - Settings - Wireless and network - WLAN - Available WLAN list - Find your own name - click, and then the QR code of the WLAN name - screenshot will appear.
Then, open WeChat - Scan - Click on the upper right corner Select the QR code from the camera, and a string of letters S appears: followed by
WiFi name P: Your home password follows.
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First, we simply turn off wifi and restart wifi, or click to ignore the network option, restart the phone, restart the router, and so on. When all these operations fail, Lei Feng and Cui share this experience to solve this stubborn problem.

If the user still can't solve the problem after using all the methods mentioned above by Lei Feng and Cui, he can turn on the [Settings] function of the phone.

In the [Setting] function option, the user finds the [General] option and clicks to enter the next step of operation.
After entering the [General] function interface, the user clicks the [Restore] option.

The user clicks to enter the [Restore] option interface, where the user clicks the [Restore Network Settings] option.

Later, in order to ensure that this operation is carried out by the owner himself, the system will verify the unlock password of the mobile phone, and the user can enter his own unlock password.

The last step
The system needs to confirm with the user again whether to perform this operation. After the user clicks the [Restore Network Settings] option that pops up, your phone will restart. After restarting, we can click Connect to Wifi to successfully connect to Wifi. The password will not be incorrect again.
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This must be your computer problem!!
First, did you turn on the wireless network? What operating system are you!!
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ZOL Q&A > wireless router > other > Why can't my computer connect to my own wifi, but his own wifi can

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