Tutorial of Alien Auto Start and Close

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Tutorial of Alien Auto Start and Close
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The method of closing the cover of win10 notebook and starting it automatically

1. First, right-click on the start menu and select "Power Options".
2. In the pop-up "Settings" dialog box, select "Power and Sleep", then scroll down to find "Related Settings - Other Power Settings", and click to enter this option.
3. On the new page, click "Select the function to close the lid", and then click "Change the currently unavailable settings".
4. Here, you will see an option called "Enable Quick Start (recommended)". Uncheck this option and save the changes.
5. Finally, turn off the notebook and close the cover. When you reopen it, you will find that the problem of automatic startup has been solved.

Through the above steps, you can successfully close the situation that the win10 laptop automatically starts after closing the lid. This method can effectively solve such problems and improve the user experience.
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The thumb is pinched at the bottom of the machine, the middle finger and index finger are pinched at the cover, and the hinge is pointing towards the tiger or the little finger. Then, the thumb is pinched forcefully. When pinching, the index finger and middle finger slide under the machine. When sliding to the body, pinch the machine tightly, and the upper cover will spring off due to inertia. Don't pinch too hard, or your hands will hurt, and the upper cover may be pinched askew. After mastering the skills, you can easily spring away
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It is unnecessary for aliens to open the cover and start automatically. Because this design can improve the convenience of using the computer to a certain extent. You don't need to press the switch, just open the computer cover, and the computer will start automatically.
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The mac can be shut down at the upper left corner. Or press and hold the power button to force the power off
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1. Find the Start menu in the lower left corner of the computer and click Open.

2. Find the control panel option in the Start menu and click Open.

3. Find the hardware and sound options in the jump interface, and click to enter.

4. Find the power option and click Open.

5. Then click the function option of the Select Power button on the left.

6. In the jump interface, click to change the currently unavailable settings.

7. Then find the Enable Quick Start option and cancel it.
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What I said upstairs is very comprehensive. I suggest Baidu videos be played slowly. I learned a lot there
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ZOL Q&A > Tutorial of Alien Auto Start and Close


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