The screen of Apple mobile phone has been changed, and the power consumption is fast. What's the solution?

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The screen of Apple mobile phone has been changed, and the power consumption is fast. What's the solution?
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The screen of the Apple phone changes, and the power consumption is fast. You can delay the battery consumption of the mobile phone system by turning on the "low power mode" in the Apple phone system settings, and delay the use time of the mobile phone.
1. Take the iPhone 7 as an example, light up the phone screen, remove the password restrictions, and enter the main screen interface of the phone.

2. Find the "Setting" icon option indicated by the arrow in the screen interface, and click this icon to open the next step.

3. In the setting interface from, open the "Battery" function option selected in the red box, and click Open to enter the next step.

4. In the "Battery" interface, find the "Low Battery Mode" function option selected in the red box, and it is not turned on at this time.

5. Turn on the switch button on the right side of the low battery mode, and select the function option of "Low battery mode" to effectively reduce the power consumption problem after changing the screen of the iPhone.
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When the battery life of your phone is obviously short:
1. First, you need to make sure that there are many applications in the background of the phone that have not been closed, causing the phone to consume power quickly;
2. Observe whether the back case of your phone bulges slightly. If so, please replace your battery as soon as possible;
3. If the mobile phone heats up only because of watching high-definition video online in the wifi environment or running large 3d games, please turn off the video or games first and lock the screen of the mobile phone. Remove the phone case/leather case and let the phone stand for a few minutes to cool down significantly.
Tip: Today's mobile phone batteries are basically lithium polymer batteries. After more than 300 times of charging and discharging, the capacity will drop significantly. The standby time of mobile phones that have been used for more than 2 years will be significantly shorter, so the battery needs to be replaced;
Nowadays, the most popular mobile phone processor is Qualcomm's Snapdragon 810. If you buy a mobile phone with this processor, it may be more hot than other mobile phones. Of course, in the case of the same semiconductor process and the same architecture, the performance is proportional to the power consumption.
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Method 1: Reduce sound and vibration Method 2: Turn off push notifications First, for newly installed software, select "Do not allow to send push notifications"; Second, for the installed software, in the Settings - Notification Center, selectively close or completely close. It should be noted that when you choose to completely close application notifications, you will not receive any push notifications, including important notifications such as QQ and WeChat. Unless you manually open them, you should be careful with heavy users such as WeChat. Method 3: Disable background application refresh in Settings - General - Background Application Refresh, and turn off the background application refresh function. Method 4: Forbid sending diagnostic data Select "Do not send" in Settings - Privacy - Diagnosis and Usage. The first is to save power, and the second is to protect personal data privacy. If it is not necessary for development and testing, there is no need to send feedback. Method 5: In Settings - Display and Brightness, turn off the "Automatic Brightness Adjustment" of the phone and keep the screen brightness at about 40%. It can not only meet most use cases, but also obviously control the power down speed of iPhone. Method 6: Turn off system services. In Settings - Privacy - Location Services - System Services, turn off all system services (PS: If you often use the compass and map, it is recommended to keep the compass calibration open). Method 7: In Settings - Privacy - Advertising, turn on the restricted advertising tracking function (PS: iOS7 and above versions are turned on by default, and iOS6 and below versions need to be turned on manually). Method 8: Disable the email push function. In the settings - Email, Address Book, Calendar - Get New Data, turn off real-time push, and select the regular or manual access mode. (PS: If you often send and receive important emails, it is recommended to keep pushing) Method 9: selectively disable iCloud service in Settings - iCloud, and turn off key chains and photo streams. (PS: In order to ensure a complete iPhone experience, it is recommended to keep the phone book, memo and search for my iPhone functions) Method 10: Turn off Bluetooth Method: In Settings - Bluetooth, select Turn Off. In addition, the Bluetooth of iPhone is not compatible with that of many Android phones, so it is unnecessary to turn on Bluetooth frequently. Why Apple is afraid of cold lithium-ion batteries can certainly achieve good low-temperature performance, and it is also very easy to simply achieve good low-temperature performance, but it is difficult to take into account high and low temperature performance, often good high-temperature performance is poor low-temperature performance, good low-temperature performance is poor high-temperature performance. For mobile phones, it is obvious that high temperature scenarios are more common: chip heating, high temperature environment, leaving in a car in summer sunshine, etc. High temperature scenarios are also more likely to cause irreversible performance degradation and safety problems, while at low temperatures, hands can not be taken out, mobile phones are rarely played, and mobile phones are rarely placed close to the body, so relatively speaking, Manufacturers value high temperature performance more than low temperature performance, which is the result of trade-offs
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Buy a battery clip on the back, otherwise there is no way. In fact, in smart phones, the standby time of Apple phones is very long, 5-10 times that of Android phones and 2-3 times that of Microsoft phones.
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