How to save cad as stp file

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How to save cad as stp file
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This format cannot be saved
If the 3D drawing is in the format of file output SAT, open it with other 3D software
After opening, other software can save in STP format
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Save as A1, except for special linearity, 0.0000
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All the same, just choose the default
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CAD has no T7 format. This is Tianzheng format, and T7 is Tianzheng version 7.0 data format. There are two ways to export. First, right click the file label position of the drawing switch, and export a drawing in T7 format. The second is to find the file layout in the Tianzheng menu and select the graphic export.
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The save is unsuccessful.
AUTOCAD、 In order to save the TMP file, Haochen CAD and other software will save the file to the TMP file. After the TMP file is saved successfully, the name will be changed to DWG. If the TMP file exits abnormally or is powered off during the saving process, or the name change fails for some reason, the TMP file will exist in the directory.
You can change the extension name to DWG and open it. If an exception occurs when generating the TMP file, the file may not be opened, but if the name change fails, it is estimated that it can be opened.
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Just turn up the pixels and save them
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