In November, 19, it was found that the HP Star 14 laptop was plugged in with earphones, or there was sound in the earphones

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In November, 19, it was found that the HP Star 14 laptop was plugged in with earphones, or there was sound in the earphones
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The problem that there is still sound coming from the amplifier after the laptop is plugged in the headset may be caused by the following reasons:

1. Driver problem: First, you can try to update or reinstall the audio driver of your laptop. Go to the official website to download and install the latest version of the driver, and then restart the computer.

2. Software settings: Checking and adjusting audio settings in the operating system is also a solution. Enter the control panel or system settings, check whether the correct output device (headset) is selected in the "Sound" option, and ensure that all volume sliders are adjusted to the appropriate positions.

3. Jack failure: sometimes, there may be some substances (such as dust or impurities) inside the jack, resulting in poor contact. You can use a cotton swab to gently clean the jack and ensure that the headset is fully inserted.

4. Hardware failure: If the above methods do not solve the problem, it may be caused by hardware failure. At this time, it is recommended to contact the after-sales service provider for repair or replacement.

In conclusion, please follow the above steps to eliminate the problem one by one, and take corresponding measures to solve the problem according to the specific situation.
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > other > In November, 19, it was found that the HP Star 14 laptop was plugged in with earphones, or there was sound in the earphones


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