Telecom opens Macao traffic

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Telecom opens Macao traffic
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The method for Telecom to open Macao traffic is as follows: 1. Log in to the official telecom website or the APP of the telecom business hall, and find options such as "international roaming" or "traffic refueling package". 2. Select "Macao" as the roaming country or region according to the prompt, and then select the corresponding traffic package Confirm the order and pay the fee, and wait for the prompt of successful opening.
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Hello, you can call the official tel. 10000 of China Telecom, and then transfer to the nearest branch for manual consultation.
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Hello, there are the following methods for telecom users to open Macao traffic:
1. Log in to the official telecommunication website or the APP of the telecommunication business hall, find the options such as "international roaming" or "traffic refueling package", select "Macao" as the roaming country or region, select the corresponding traffic package, confirm the order and pay the fee, and wait for the prompt of successful opening.
2. Dial the customer service number 10000 of China Telecom, press the 0 key to switch to manual service, explain to the customer service personnel the need to open the international roaming function, and provide relevant information such as passports and visas. The customer service personnel will help you open the corresponding traffic package.
I hope the above information is helpful to you. If you have other questions, please feel free to ask.
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