Lenovo Computer Housekeeper Can't Find Dust Removal Function

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Lenovo Computer Housekeeper Can't Find Dust Removal Function
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If you can't find the dust removal function in the Lenovo computer housekeeper, there are several possible reasons:

1. Version problem: make sure you use the latest version of Lenovo Computer Steward. Sometimes the old version may not contain some functions or hide some options, so updating the software can solve this problem.

2. Operation error: carefully check the interface and menu items of Lenovo computer butler to ensure that you have not missed the dust removal function. Sometimes this function may be placed in a less obvious or hidden location, so please be patient to find it.

3. Computer hardware limitation: Not all Lenovo computers of all models and configurations support the dust removal function. This may be due to hardware restrictions or other technical restrictions that make the software unable to detect and clean dust. If this is the case, I'm sorry to tell you that there is no way to conduct dust removal through software.

4. Another tool: If the above methods do not work, consider using other tools and programs specifically for dust removal to complete the task. There are many free or paid third-party software on the market that can help clean up dust and improve computer performance.

In conclusion, when encountering similar problems, please make sure to use the latest version of software first, and carefully check the interface and menu items. If you still can't find the dust removal function, you can consider using other tools or contacting Lenovo customer service for help.
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First update the computer steward to the latest version, then find the file decryption tool in the toolbox, and then remove the encrypted computer files.
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Version 11 still retains the function of file shredding,
Win8 and above systems,
It may not be displayed temporarily because it is not compatible with.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Please look forward to our future version updates.
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Open Tencent Computer Manager - Toolbox - File Decryption
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1. Open Lenovo Computer Manager. If there is no program bar below, you can find it at the beginning of the lower left corner. 2. After entering Lenovo Computer Housekeeper, click the three bar icon in the upper right corner. 3. Click Settings Center. 4. Open the battery icon. 5. After the battery icon is turned on, the battery icon will be displayed in the lower right corner of the computer screen. Click once, and then click cooling and dedusting to open the dedusting mode.
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