The computer network cable port is broken. I bought a USB network cable converter. Why can't I access the network_ Baidu Knowledge

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The computer network cable port is broken. I bought a USB network cable converter. Why can't I access the network_ Baidu Knowledge
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There may be several reasons why your computer cannot access the Internet through the USB cable converter:

1. Incompatible converter: USB cable converter needs to be compatible with your computer operating system and network equipment. If the driver is not installed correctly or is incompatible with your operating system, it may not work properly.

2. Driver problem: Please ensure that the driver required by the USB cable converter has been correctly installed. You can download and install the latest version of the driver from the manufacturer's official website.

3. Network settings: Check whether you have correctly configured the network connection. Make sure that the appropriate IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, DNS server address and other information are set in the network and sharing center in the control panel.

4. Hardware failure: If the Internet is still unavailable after the above steps are tried, it is likely that the USB converter itself is faulty or damaged. It is recommended to replace a new converter to test whether it can solve the problem.

5. Other factors: There are other factors that may also affect your use of the USB converter to access the Internet, such as router configuration, firewall settings, etc. If the above methods do not solve the problem, it is recommended to contact the network service provider or professional technicians for help.
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Your driver is not installed properly. After the driver is installed, a network card will be added to the network connection.
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The driver is not installed correctly, and the original local connection must be disabled.
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It's easy to buy a wireless router and connect it
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Connect the cat, the router and the computer
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Two methods:
The first is that as long as the broadband connected to your home can be connected to the Internet at any time (that is, not dial-up), and your tablet really supports the OTG external network cable, you can directly connect the tablet to the OTG cable for a long time, and then plug it in directly with the network cable!!! (This method is not recommended. It is too limited.)

The second is to buy a wireless router and let the tablet access the Internet through the wireless network. Personally, I recommend this. In this way, you can access the Internet in every corner of the home (as long as you keep opening the routing cable). Besides, it's not very expensive to buy a wireless router in the mall. It's just a few tens of yuan. If you have any notebook, you can use wireless wifi to access the Internet in the future

That's it! I hope it can help you!!!
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The reason that cannot be identified may be the IP setting problem. First, disable the original network connection, and then use the USB network card to set the IP address of the USB network card.
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1. Ensure that the driver of the adapter cable has been properly installed;

2. Specify whether the IP address of the network card is automatically obtained or manually configured. If it is manually configured, it needs to be configured before it can be used (you can check whether there is an address on it and whether DNS is correct by executing ipconfig/all under cmd);
3. Try replacing the network cable;
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ZOL Q&A > electric fan > other > The computer network cable port is broken. I bought a USB network cable converter. Why can't I access the network_ Baidu Knowledge

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