Lenovo laptop screen brightness adjustment does not respond

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Lenovo laptop screen brightness adjustment does not respond
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If your Lenovo laptop screen brightness adjustment does not respond, there may be several reasons:

1. Update driver: First, you can try to update the driver of the display adapter. Open Device Manager, find your graphics card under Display Adapter, and right-click to select Update Driver. If updates are available, download and install them.

2. Check the shortcut key function: many laptops have special shortcut keys to adjust the screen brightness. Make sure these keys are working properly. Normally, these keys will be between F1-F12 or have a sun symbol.

3. Adjust power options: Some power options also affect screen brightness control. Open the control panel, select "Power Options" under "Hardware and Sound", and then click "Change Plan Settings" next to the scheme you are currently using. Find and expand the Display option in the pop-up window, and confirm whether the brightness setting is disabled or modified.

4. Check other software conflicts: some third-party software may conflict with the built-in functions of the system, resulting in the inability to adjust the screen brightness. Try closing some running background apps, and then try adjusting the brightness again.

5. Check the hardware problem: If the above methods are invalid, it may be a hardware problem. You can try connecting to an external monitor to check whether the screen brightness can be adjusted there. If the external monitor is working properly, the laptop screen or related components may be faulty.

If you have tried the above solutions but still cannot solve the problem, it is recommended to contact Lenovo customer service or professional maintenance personnel for further diagnosis and repair.
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Hotkey driver is not installed
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Driving Master
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No response is usually driven
The computer system is damaged or the monitor is faulty
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Look at the hotkey drive
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The drive has problems. Under the center of gravity
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The reason why Lenovo Z500 brightness cannot be adjusted: Lenovo Z500 notebook Win7 system computer has built-in dual graphics cards. One is the HD4000 core graphics card built in Intel processor, and the other is the NVIDAGeForceGT740M independent graphics card. The main reason why Lenovo Z500 notebook brightness cannot be adjusted is that the graphics card driver is abnormal. There are two situations that lead to the inability to adjust the brightness of Lenovo's Z500 screen: 1) Use the one button Ghos tool to reinstall the system; Recommendation: Lenovo laptop dedicated win7 system download 2) Use the driver wizard or master Lu and other tools to update the graphics card driver. The use of one click Ghost to reinstall the system or the driver wizard to update the graphics card driver will result in the change of the graphics card version, while Lenovo Z500 notebook graphics card can only use the driver that Lenovo has debugged, so the graphics card driver version is inconsistent, resulting in the brightness of Lenovo Z500 notebook cannot be debugged normally. Solution: First, uninstall the graphics tools related to the Nvidia graphics card. From the notebook start menu, select [Control Panel], and then find [Uninstall Program]. Uninstall the graphics tools related to the previously installed graphics card. This kind of Nvidia and HDGraphics graphics card graphics drivers also mainly include: NvidiaPhysX, Nvidia, IntelHDGraphics can find all the related graphics cards and choose to uninstall them. If there is no related graphics driver, no operation is required; 2、 Uninstall the installed HD4000 core graphics card and GT740M independent graphics card driver to enter the notebook device manager, and then expand the [Display Adapter] at the bottom to find the [HDGraphics4000] and [NVIDAGeForceGT740M] graphics card drivers. Note that you should first uninstall the NVIDAGeForceGT740M graphics card driver, and then uninstall the core graphics card HDGraphics4000 driver III After uninstalling the GT740M independent graphics card and HD4000 core graphics card driver, restart the computer, and then install the core graphics card and independent graphics card driver downloaded from Lenovo's official website in turn. a) For the video card driver of Lenovo Z500 notebook, you can go to the drive center on the official website of the online notebook to download it. Find the corresponding driver according to Lenovo Z500 model. b) After downloading the driver, install the core video card driver first, and then install the independent video card driver. The installation is very simple. You can open the downloaded driver directly. After the installation is completed, you can install the dual video card driver, After restarting the computer, Lenovo Z500 notebook can adjust the screen brightness normally. Then you can use F11 key in the keyboard to lower the screen brightness, and F12 key to increase the screen brightness.
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ZOL Q&A > Lenovo laptop screen brightness adjustment does not respond


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