Bluetooth headset calls normally, no sound when listening to music Huawei

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Bluetooth headset calls normally, no sound when listening to music Huawei
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Dear user, there may be several reasons for the problem that Bluetooth headset calls normally but listens to music silently:

1. The Bluetooth connection is unstable: In this case, you can try to reconnect the Bluetooth device or re pair the Bluetooth device with the mobile phone. Ensure smooth signal transmission between the two.

2. Incorrect volume setting: Please check whether the volume setting on the mobile phone and Bluetooth device is reasonable. You can adjust the volume in the phone settings, and confirm whether the Bluetooth device has an independent volume control.

3. Headset fault: If the above two conditions are eliminated, the headset itself may have a fault. It is recommended that you try to use other devices for testing. If other devices fail to work properly, it is likely that there is a problem with the headset.

In addition, when processing Huawei branded mobile phones, please ensure that no audio output limitation function is enabled in the system settings. If there are restrictions, please turn off this function and test again to play music with Bluetooth headset.

In general, to solve such problems, we need to eliminate various potential factors first, and then gradually find the root causes. I hope the above information can help you. If you have any other questions, please feel free to consult me.
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This situation generally has nothing to do with headphones.
It may be related to your mobile phone and the other's mobile phone.
You can try to change a mobile phone and make Bluetooth calls to see if this is also the case?
Or call another person to check the call quality.
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Presented to Pei Xiucai Di (Wang Wei) for Wangchuan's leisure life
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ZOL Q&A > headset > screen > Blue screen of mobile phone > Bluetooth headset calls normally, no sound when listening to music Huawei

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