Why does Apple xsmax not respond to charging? Is there a solution?

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Why does Apple xsmax not respond to charging? Is there a solution?
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Why does Apple xsmax not respond to charging? Is there a solution? [Picture] View All

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1. The common problem with non original chargers is that their specifications are substandard. It is recommended to replace a charger that meets the requirements to solve this problem.

2. Please check the data cable carefully for damage. Sometimes the data line looks normal outside, but it may have broken inside. One way is to try to use someone else's data cable for charging to determine whether it can succeed.

3. Normally, the plug symbol is displayed only when the phone is fully charged. If the battery is still low even when the phone is fully charged, it means that the phone has no problem with the tail plug.

4. It is recommended to go to the officially authorized Apple maintenance point for professional inspection and maintenance. These repair points provide free services to ensure that you get the best quality solutions.
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If you change the data cable, it still doesn't work. You have to change the tail and plug it in
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Clean the charging port
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What kind of starter do you use? I haven't seen it
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Is there a button that can be clicked in the lower right corner of qq???
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1. You can close some random programs that do not have to be started in the start run hit msconfig command. See if there is any improvement. 2. Specify a fixed IP address, which may improve the startup and shutdown of the machine. 3. The speed may be slow due to viruses. You can try to update the anti-virus software version and conduct comprehensive anti-virus to see whether this problem can be solved. 4. If there is still a problem after the above operations, it is recommended that you save important files and reinstall the operating system.
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You change 1G to 1024
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It should be OK to reinstall the system. My computer has just been reinstalled, and it is OK. The reinstallation can be divided into sections. Professional personnel are required to operate.
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