Why is my k50 hot when I brush headlines

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Why is my k50 hot when I brush headlines
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The heating of K50 brush head strip may be caused by the following reasons:

1. Software problem: Headline is a resource intensive application, which will occupy more processor and memory resources when running, causing the phone to heat up. You can try to close other applications running in the background, or clear the phone cache to free some system resources.

2. CPU overload: If you perform other operations that consume a lot of CPU at the same time (such as downloading, playing video, etc.), it may cause excessive CPU load and heat. It is recommended not to perform other CPU intensive operations at the same time when using headlines.

3. Hardware cooling problem: If you use Toutiao for a long time or use your mobile phone in high ambient temperature, it may cause poor heat dissipation and heat generation. At this time, you can try to place the phone in a well ventilated place with proper temperature, and stop using it for a while to let it cool down.

4. Battery aging: with the increase of battery life, its capacity gradually weakens, and it is easy to overcharge the battery or supply insufficient power when using high power consuming applications. This is also one of the reasons why some models generate heat when charging or using specific applications. It is recommended to replace the battery or conduct more reasonable charging management.

To sum up, the heating problem during the use of Toutiao may be caused by many factors, such as software resource occupation, CPU overload, hardware cooling and battery aging. This problem can be solved by closing background applications, cleaning the cache of the phone, reducing other CPU consuming operations at the same time, and optimizing the cooling environment of the phone. If the above methods are invalid, it is recommended to contact after-sales personnel for further inspection and maintenance.
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I think your mobile phone is a second-hand refurbished machine, right? The power consumption of HiSilicon 920 processor of Glory 6 is very low. Is it seriously hot? Who are you kidding? This is not the case with Glory series mobile phones!
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It has been used for a long time. Some caches and garbage are stored in them. In addition, some APP cleaning is just cleaning up some things that have run. The real cache data is not getting larger and larger, so the existing ones can only be deleted first. Some programs running in the background APP can only be started if they can be used. Generally, they are useless, and they can be closed directly, This will also prevent a fever.
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There are many reasons for slow charging, which can be checked according to the following steps:
1. The standard charger and data cable may not be used. It is recommended to try it after changing to the standard configuration. Charging with a mobile power supply or connecting to a computer USB interface will also slow down charging.
2. When charging, the charger, data cable and mobile phone charging interface are not well contacted, or the connector and socket are dusty, which may lead to slow charging. You can plug and unplug the charger several times, wipe it with alcohol or clean it with a brush. If alcohol is used for wiping, it needs to wait for the alcohol to dry before recharging.
3. During the charging process, the temperature of the phone will change to a certain extent, especially when the phone is still running some programs during charging, the temperature will rise significantly. When the phone is hot, the charging current will gradually decrease, and the charging speed will slow down until it is fully charged. It is recommended to recharge the phone after the temperature of the phone drops, and close the applications running in the background.
4. It is recommended not to use the mobile phone during charging, especially close video, games and other high power consuming applications. Otherwise, part of the input current of the charger will offset the power consumed by the mobile phone, which will reduce the current to the battery and slow the charging speed.
5. Generally, the low power of the mobile phone means that the charging speed is fast. When the charging rate reaches more than 80%, the battery power is close to full power. In order to ensure the safety of use and extend the battery life, when the battery is nearly full, the charging current output by the charger will gradually decrease, and the charging speed will slow down until full.
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Bundle hot software. The solution to K50 heating is as follows: 1. Open the setting to restrict unnecessary function permissions. 2. Open the phone settings to the battery, check to find the software that consumes electricity and is hot and remove it. 3. Uninstall the currently installed headlines directly, and then choose to download and install the official ones again.
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ZOL Q&A > LCD TV > Other classifications > Why is my k50 hot when I brush headlines


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