Huawei mobile phone cannot install the ca certificate

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Huawei mobile phone cannot install the ca certificate
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As a professional 3C electronic product expert, I will provide you with more detailed and professional steps to install mobile CA certificates.

1. Open the "Settings" application of your phone, find and click the "Security and Privacy" option in the settings menu.
2. In the "Security and Privacy" interface, slide down the screen, find and click "More Security Settings".
3. On the "More Security Settings" page, look for and select "Install from SD Card/Storage Device". This option allows you to import a certificate file from an external storage device, such as an SD card.
4. Next, browse the location of your CA certificate in the pop-up dialog box. If the certificate is on the SD card, select the SD card option and find the corresponding certificate file in the file browser.
5. Once the required CA certificate file is found, please click it to select it. You will be prompted to confirm that you want to install the certificate.
6. On the confirmation window, you can name this CA certificate (optional). This makes it easy to distinguish between certificates of different types or sources. Then click the OK button to start the installation process.

Please note that in the whole process, you need to ensure that the CA certificate used is trustworthy and reliable. It is not recommended to download and run source code, software, APP and other content from unknown sources or unclear destinations at will, so as to avoid potential threats to the security of mobile phones.

Through the above steps, you can easily complete the installation of mobile CA certificate. This will help improve the level of network security and data protection when you use your phone.
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If the data traffic or WIFI is not connected, the location cannot be located. Another possibility is that the GPRS of the smart phone is turned off. If you really want to monitor someone for some reason, you should be patient. You can use call monitoring, information monitoring and pictures in the software, and then you will get more things
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When installing, put the APK into the phone, and the phone will prompt that there is a risk. You can continue to agree to the installation.
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > Other classifications > Huawei mobile phone cannot install the ca certificate


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