How to keep Huawei mobile phone charging animation displayed

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How to keep Huawei mobile phone charging animation displayed
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According to my professional knowledge, there is no way to make charging animation continuously displayed on the mobile phone screen. However, I can give a suggestion of saving the country with a curve. You can adjust the settings of your phone to disable the automatic screen lock function. In this way, the phone will keep the screen lit and the charging animation will continue to play in cycles. You can try this method and wish you good luck!
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As long as we use the original charging cable of Huawei mobile phones, we can charge them quickly without changing the charging cable.

First, turn off the phone screen, and then connect the charging cable. (The picture below is found online, because only one mobile phone can't take photos)

I found that the fast charging animation was displayed, and I didn't even need to press the power on button.
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Because the animation state of Huawei mobile phones during charging is a kind of dynamic screensaver, you only need to adjust it to always on or display for a longer time in the lock screen setting.
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Mobile phone charging animation is temporary. If it is lit for a long time, the screen will be damaged, which is the saying that the screen will burn, so it is better not to keep a scene unchanged for a long time.
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First, we swipe the left and right screens on the phone to find the icon of "Mobile Phone Housekeeper" of Huawei mobile phone.


At this time, the main interface of the mobile phone butler will pop up, and click the icon of "Traffic Management" on the main interface of the software.


The Huawei mobile phone traffic management page will pop up, where you can see the setting item of "traffic ranking".


Then the data traffic ranking page will be opened, where you can view the traffic of the current day, this week or this month
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ZOL Q&A > oral irrigator > Other classifications > How to keep Huawei mobile phone charging animation displayed


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