Why does Apple X often get stuck after changing the screen?

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Why does Apple X often get stuck after changing the screen?
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There may be several reasons why Apple X often jams after changing the screen. First, there may be a problem with the quality of the replaced screen. If an unofficial or low-quality screen is replaced, its performance and compatibility may not be as good as that of the original screen, resulting in a "stuck" phenomenon.

Secondly, there may be other problems during the replacement process. For example, all cables or plugs are not correctly connected when opening the equipment; Or other parts are damaged during assembly.

In addition, there is another case of software related problems. When you do not reset the system or reinstall the operating system after replacing the new screen, there may be incompatibility between the old system and the new hardware.

The following methods can be tried to solve this problem:

1. Check whether the screen is intact and ensure that it is firmly connected. If any physical damage is found, please contact the after-sales service provider for repair.

2. If unofficial or low-quality substitutes are used, it is recommended to replace them with genuine official accessories to obtain the best experience and compatibility.

3. Try software reset, factory reset, or reinstall the operating system to eliminate potential software related problems.

4. If the above steps are invalid, please consult professional technicians for further help.

In short, the problem of frequent screen jams after screen replacement of Apple X may be caused by screen quality problems, assembly problems or software compatibility. This problem can be solved or alleviated by checking hardware connectivity and attempting software reset.
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It was not repaired! You can go back to the person who changed your screen to repair it.
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Reasons for this:
1. Check whether the phone has changed other storage related devices or changed settings due to screen changes.
2. Cleaning the phone memory may also be caused by too many programs running.
1. Conduct screen calibration. For the screen of resistance screen, conduct screen calibration to ensure normal use.
2. If there is a film on the phone screen, please remove the film or replace it.
3. Because there may be too many software enabled on smart phones, some software needs to be closed or the phone needs to be restarted.
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The screen of Apple Fork is often jammed after changing the screen, which means that your external screen may not be the original screen. If it is reasonable, the original screen will not be jammed. If it is or may be that the screen is in poor contact with the motherboard, it may also be jammed frequently.
It is recommended to go to the after-sales service shop to check if there is any problem with the screen, or if there is any problem, it should be OK to ask them to repair it. If the screen is stuck frequently, you can also find the person who changes the screen for you to see if the screen is genuine.
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