What is the phone number format for mobile phone credit card companies. For example, the area code. Symbol number. I didn't fill it in correctly. E.g. xxxx xxxxx

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What is the phone number format for mobile phone credit card companies. For example, the area code. Symbol number. I didn't fill it in correctly. E.g. xxxx xxxxx
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Hello, the format of fixed line telephone is generally area code+telephone number, such as 075512345678
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If the company does not have a landline, the bank will think that your company's qualification is not good, and the application pass rate will be very low. If you can't fill in the form, you can only apply at the branch.

When handling credit cards, the company phone number and personal mobile phone number are required items and cannot be blank.

If the company's landline is a mobile phone number, it can be filled in directly and then marked at the back.

When the credit card center verifies the applicant's information, it will also verify whether the phone number is the company phone number.

The format is an example: XXX - XXXXXXXX (area code telephone)


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The phone format that should be written for the loan
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The area code should be 0086+the area code of your city
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The explicit format is incorrect
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How to fill in the phone number of the company that handles mobile credit card
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ZOL Q&A > Smart bracelet > system > Phone formatting > What is the phone number format for mobile phone credit card companies. For example, the area code. Symbol number. I didn't fill it in correctly. E.g. xxxx xxxxx

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