Which version is better for Hongmi note8

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Which version is better for Hongmi note8
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Dear user! I am very honored to be able to provide you with professional advice. For the best version of Hongmi Note8, we recommend MIUI11. This version has faster response speed, longer battery life, higher level of security and stability, and also brings many new functions.

If you want to downgrade to MIUI11, please follow the steps below:

1. First, download the MIUI11 installation package on the official website.
2. Save the downloaded installation package to the mobile phone memory card.
3. Enter the phone setting interface and find "Update from memory card" in the system update option.
4. After clicking this option, select the MIUI11 installation package previously saved in the memory card for installation.
5. Wait for the installation to complete.

It is worth noting that before the downgrade operation, it is recommended that you back up the internal data of the phone to prevent accidental data loss.

Conclusion: Through the above steps, you can successfully downgrade Hongmi Note8 to MIUI11. I hope my answers will be helpful to you! Please feel free to ask me any other questions. thank you!
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