Why doesn't charging display super fast charging

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Why doesn't charging display super fast charging
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There may be several reasons why super fast charging cannot be displayed during charging:

1. Your device does not support super fast charging: super fast charging is a high-speed charging technology, which is only supported by some mobile phones or other devices. If your device does not support this technology, even if you use a charger that can provide higher power, it will not display super fast charging.

2. Charging line or adapter problem: To realize the super fast charging function, you need to use the original or certified charging line and adapter matching the device. If you use unofficial or low-quality wires and adapters, you may not be able to display the super fast charge normally.

3. Software setting problem: Some mobile phones may need to manually enable the super fast charge function in the settings. Check whether there are relevant options in the device settings to ensure that the function has been turned on.

4. Other faults: If none of the above problems exist, and you are sure that you have used the correct wire and adapter, and the device itself supports this function, then there may be a hardware fault. At this time, it is recommended to contact after-sales service for consultation or maintenance.

In conclusion, when purchasing new equipment, you should pay attention to whether it supports the super fast charging technology, and select the original accessories that meet the requirements to obtain the best results.
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The system version of some Mate40 series mobile phones is EMUI, which needs to be upgraded to the latest version of the HarmonyOS system. With the standard 0.5m data cable (6A USB-C to USB-C), the Max 66 W super fast charge can be displayed;
Similarly, Mate X2 can be upgraded from EMUI to the latest version of Hongmeng system to Max 55W super fast charging;
However, X and Xs currently support a maximum of 20V2A super fast charge, and the words "Max how many W" cannot be displayed for the time being. It should be optimized and upgraded in the future
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Just replace it with an ordinary charging head
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This is caused by the mobile phone failing to meet the flash charge adjustment.
1、 The mobile phone needs to be charged in a non USB mode to flash charge. Taking the OPPO R9S mobile phone as an example, the method to turn off the USB mode is as follows:
1. First click the "Settings" icon on the mobile desktop, as shown in the figure.

2. Then select the "Other settings" option in the phone's settings interface, as shown in the figure.

3. Then open "Developer Options" in other settings interface, as shown in the figure.

4. After entering, turn off the switch in the "Developer Options" or "USB Debugging" column, as shown in the figure.

2、 The flash charge can only be performed when the battery charge is between 0-85%.
3、 The environmental limit of ordinary batteries is about - 10 ° C - 45 ° C, and the flash charge cannot work normally below 15 ° C.
Reference source: OPPO mobile phone official website - precautions for mobile phone enabling flash charge
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The vivo phone cannot be flash charged. The following methods can be used:
1. Enter Settings - Battery/More Settings to confirm whether dual engine flash charging is enabled (if there is no such switch, flash charging is enabled by default);
2. Replace the built-in lock screen style of the phone (other lock screen styles are used, and the screen will not display dual engine flash charge when charging);
3. Confirm whether the original charger and data cable are used;
4. The connectivity of the socket will also affect the charging, so you can try charging by replacing other sockets;
5. Disconnect the power supply, restart the phone for a while, and then try charging;
6. Phone settings -- more settings -- backup and reset/restore factory settings -- restore all settings; (This operation will not delete the data in the phone, but will restore all the settings in the phone, including the set wallpaper, unlocking style, WiFi, default opening program, etc.)
7. If the above methods still fail to solve the problem that the mobile phone cannot flash charge, please bring the purchase invoice, warranty card, mobile phone and charger to the customer service center for processing.
Go to the official website of vivo, app -- service -- my service -- service outlet, and you can find the address and phone number of the nearest customer service outlet.
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