Huawei mate50 Google Flash Back

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Huawei mate50 Google Flash Back
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The Google flash back problem of Huawei Mate 50 may be caused by a variety of reasons. The following are some common causes and solutions that may lead to this problem:

1. Incompatible application version: If you use an expired or incompatible version of Google's application, it may cause flashback. Try updating to the latest version, or uninstall and reinstall the application.

2. Cache and data problems: Accumulating a large amount of cache and data may also cause the application to flash back. Find the "Application Manager" in the settings, select Google Apps, and clear the cache and data.

3. Insufficient device memory: If the device memory is insufficient, flashback may occur when running a heavier application. Try closing other applications running in the background to free more memory space.

4. System update problem: Some system updates may conflict with Google services, resulting in their flashback. Ensure that you have installed the latest system updates and check for any available software fixes.

5. Conflicting third-party plug-ins: Some third-party plug-ins or extensions may also interfere with the normal operation of Google services and cause them to flash back. Try disabling or deleting these plug-ins to eliminate interference.

6. Debugging options are enabled: If you enable some debugging options in the developer options, the application may flash back. Ensure that these options are turned off.

If none of the above methods can solve the problem, it is recommended that you contact Huawei customer service or Google support team for further help and guidance. They may be able to provide more specific solutions to your problems.
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Reinstall it and see if it can be opened. It seems that those not downloaded from Huawei's application market are easy to flash back. This is incompatible.
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Hello, this is due to the limitation of Google's server. You can't use Google Play Store in China. You can download the required applications in the application market.
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Reinstall it and see if it can be opened. It seems that those not downloaded from Huawei's application market are easy to flash back. This is incompatible.
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > Other classifications > Huawei mate50 Google Flash Back


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