Why does the switch always burn off?

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Why does the switch always burn off?
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The switch may be burnt out for the following reasons:

1. Overload: If the circuit connected to the switch is overloaded and exceeds its rated capacity, the switch will be burned. This may be due to too many electrical equipment connected or the use of high-power equipment that does not meet the specifications.

2. Short circuit: when there is a direct connection between two wires, a short circuit will occur. Short circuit will cause a large amount of current to pass through the switch, making it unbearable and burned. Common causes include cable damage, socket failure, etc.

3. Low quality or aging: low quality switch materials and manufacturing process may lead to short service life. In addition, after a long time of use, internal parts may also age and become fragile, which is easy to cause failure.

4. Incorrect installation: incorrect installation of the switch will also lead to its damage. For example, if the insulator is not correctly connected during installation, or if the fixing screw is too tight or loose, it may cause pressure or vibration to the switch and eventually damage them.

In order to avoid frequent replacement and increased costs, please ensure that products with appropriate power and good brand reputation are selected and installed and used according to the correct method. If the problem still exists, it is recommended to consult a professional electrician to check and solve it.
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Open the chassis to check whether it is a motherboard. Or power supply.
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Hello, is the line you are using a national standard line, or check whether the wire cover is damaged, and the leakage switch connected to the fire zero line is broken and then there is no insurance. What's the meaning of that? Too messy
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Hehe, the socket you bought is too bad. A 3000 watt water heater can only be used with a 10A 250V~socket
Is your water heater of storage type? Do you have three kilowatts? How many amps do you use for the leakage air switch? Why didn't it jump off before the socket smoked? something the matter
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I'll tell you again
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The internal breakdown and leakage of high-frequency transformer require drying or rewinding,,.
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It should be caused by excessive current, or there is leakage in the circuit. Please ask a professional electrician to check it.
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It is likely that the contact resistance between the incoming terminal and the wire is too large, which is burned out due to long-time heating.
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Use air switch directly instead of plug
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