Why can't my phone be turned on as root? My mobile phone belongs to Oppo. Solve it.

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Why can't my phone be turned on as root? My mobile phone belongs to Oppo. Solve it.
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Because no permission is set.
1. Find the mobile phone authorization management - allow xxx to obtain permissions.
2. Root authority, a kind of system authority, can be understood as a concept with SYSTEM authority. This account has the supreme authority of the whole system, and all objects can be operated by it.
3. This operation may affect the stability of the mobile phone, leading to man-made failures, such as crash, restart, etc. According to the "Three Guarantees for Consumers", Root belongs to the modification of operating system software, not to the scope of warranty repair.
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Now most branded computers are like this. As long as you get root permission, it will not be covered by the warranty.
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Root does not have a warranty, but there are software on the Internet to eliminate root, such as master and wizard.
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > system > Mobile root > Why can't my phone be turned on as root? My mobile phone belongs to Oppo. Solve it.


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