The phone comes with 16G of storage space. What is the actual available storage space?

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The phone comes with 16G of storage space. What is the actual available storage space?
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Generally, for 16G memory, the real memory is (16 * 1000 ^ 3)/(1024 ^ 3)=14.901G. After subtracting the operating system occupation, the user's final usable capacity is about 10G.
The calculation method of manufacturer's marked capacity is: 1G=1000M, 1M=1000KB, 1KB=1000B.
The calculation method of computer label capacity is: 1G=1024M, 1M=1024KB, 1KB=1024B.
Memory is one of the most important components in computer, it is the bridge to communicate with CPU. All programs in the computer run in memory, so the performance of memory has a great impact on the computer.
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About 12G. Because the system and built-in software need to occupy a certain space.
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The conversion between 1024 and 1000 units is removed, and the memory occupied by the system is about 12g
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The actual available space is about 11G.
The memory of vivo mobile phones is the same as all memories. The actual calculation method of storage products is 1K=1000B, 1M=1000K, and so on. The actual 16G is about 14.9G. The calculation method for mobile phones and USB flash drives is the same:

The ViVO mobile phone system and the software necessary for its operation account for about 3.5G of memory (different models of mobile phones account for a certain amount of difference), so the mobile phone can use about 11G.
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ZOL Q&A > Wireless security > Other classifications > The phone comes with 16G of storage space. What is the actual available storage space?

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