How to upgrade Android 8.0 in Meilan note5

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How to upgrade Android 8.0 in Meilan note5
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To upgrade the Meilan note5 firmware, you can upgrade it through the official OTG function.
The specific operations are as follows:
1. Click the system upgrade of the mobile phone, check the update, and download the latest upgrade package
2. When the upgrade package is downloaded, click Upgrade in the notice bar
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The upgrading method of Android system below 80 is as follows

1. Each mobile phone has its own setting function key, but the setting system of each mobile phone is different. You can find corresponding updates according to your own mobile phone.

2. After entering the settings, find more in the upper right corner,

3. Find 'about devices' in more. Some mobile phones also mean' about mobile phones', which means the same thing.

4. There is a system update in the equipment. The low version means that the system needs to be updated,

5. Then check and update. Because the system is large, select the following option to update it when the wireless network is connected.

6. Then the system will pop up to check and update the latest system, and then there will be some prompts,

7. When the system detects an update, it will prompt and click OK,

8. The mobile phone will download the latest version of the system. Due to the large capacity, it needs to wait patiently. After the download, the mobile phone will automatically install the new version of the system.
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Yes, note5 can be accessed on MIUI12 of Android 10, which means that Android 8 can be accessed, and Flyme9 of Android 11 can also be accessed
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How to explain that the new x21 launched by Blue Green Factory is equipped with Android 8.0? Still 660 can't go to 8.0?
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Meilan note5 brushing flyme8 (Meilan note5 brushing tutorial)

Many people don't know about Meilan note5's flyme8 and Meilan note5's machine brushing tutorial. Now let's have a look!

1. The steps for cleaning Meizu Meilan note5 are as follows: First, make preparations to back up personal data and ensure that Meizu Meilan note5 has sufficient power.

2. 2. Download and install Qitu brush software.

3. 3: rom home download the refresh package or remember the path of the refresh package you downloaded yourself.

4. II. The specific operation is to first open the Qitu brush software on the computer, then open the USB debugging of Meizu Meilan note5 mobile phone, and connect the computer through the data cable.

5. If the driver has not been installed before, wait for Qitu to automatically download and install the driver, as shown in the figure: 2. Select one click to flash the machine, click Browse, and then find the location of the Meizu Meilan note5ROM package you downloaded.

6. 3. Click Next after selecting, and you will be prompted to back up the data.

7. If you have already backed up, you can ignore this step.

8. 4. Click Start Scruting, wait for the software to download the process, push the ROM package, install recovery, double clear, and install the system! There will be several restarts in the process of cleaning, please do not worry.

9. Wait until the process is complete.

10. If there is a prompt, please follow the prompt.

11. 5. The software prompts that the phone is restarted successfully. The first time the phone is restarted, it is slow. Please wait patiently! Meizu Meilan note5 was successfully refreshed.
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