How to bind qq number and WeChat signal with Pinduoduo

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How to bind qq number and WeChat signal with Pinduoduo
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To bind QQ number or WeChat to Pinduo account, you can follow the steps below:

1. Open Pinduoduo APP and log in to your account.
2. Find the "My" option in the navigation bar at the bottom of the home page, and click to enter the personal center page.
3. Find the "Setting" button on the top of the personal center page, and click to enter the setting interface.
4. Find the "Account and Security" option in the setting interface, and click to enter the account and security page.
5. On the account and security page, you will see the option of "binding third-party platform". If you want to bind your QQ number, please select "QQ Login". If you want to bind your WeChat account, please select "WeChat Login".
6. After clicking the corresponding option, the system will jump to the QQ or WeChat authorization interface. Please follow the prompts to complete the authorization operation.
7. After successful authorization, your QQ or WeChat account will be successfully bound to Pinduoduo.

Please note that you may need to enter relevant verification code and other information during the binding process to ensure authentication and security. In addition, before using this function, please ensure that the corresponding QQ or WeChat software has been correctly installed and logged in to your phone.

Through the above steps, you can bind your QQ or WeChat account with Pinduoduo. In this way, when you log in Pinduoduo, you can use the bound third-party account to log in quickly and enjoy a more convenient shopping experience.
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It will not be merged. When you bind your mobile phone number with the Pinduoduo account registered on WeChat, the Pinduoduo page will remind you that your mobile phone number has been bound by other accounts.
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Yes, using WeChat to login Pinduoduo means that the third-party account bound is WeChat. At present, the third-party account does not support unbinding. Users can also use the bound third-party account to directly log in Pinduoduo.
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The specific steps of modification are as follows:
The materials to be prepared are: mobile phone and Pinduoduo.
1. First, open Pinduoduo, and click to open the head portrait in the upper left corner of the personal center.

2. Then click to open the "nickname" in the pop-up window.

3. Then click the following fork in the pop-up window to delete the nickname, re-enter the nickname you want to modify, and click Save.
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Pinduoduo can't be paid by WeChat. You can open a third-party account and bind it to WeChat to use it. How to bind the third-party WeChat? The steps are as follows:
1、 Click Set
Open Pinduoduo APP and click Settings.

2、 Click Account Security
In Settings, click Account Security above.

3、 Click to bind WeChat
Select a third-party account and bind it to WeChat.
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ZOL Q&A > How to bind qq number and WeChat signal with Pinduoduo

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