Can Pinduoduo see your friends' browsing records

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Can Pinduoduo see your friends' browsing records
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1. Pinduoduo's privacy settings are relatively strict, and ordinary users cannot view their friends' browsing records. However, if the other party has enabled the function of small circle, you can view the purchase record of the other party through this function. Of course, if the other party chooses to buy anonymously or does not open the function of "spell small circle", they will not be able to view it.
2. As a third-party social e-commerce platform focusing on C2B group, Shanghai Xunmeng Information Technology Co., Ltd. has more than one online group in September 2015. Users can enjoy a lower price discount by initiating commodity group shopping with friends, family members, neighbors, etc.
3. In July 2018, Pinduoduo was successfully listed on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange in the United States, and became one of the most valuable and concerned enterprises in China's e-commerce field. At the same time, many efforts have been made to safeguard the rights and interests of consumers and maintain a level playing field in the market. For example, when selling AV member products, adjust the access conditions and require merchants to provide corresponding authorization to ensure compliance.
To learn more about Pinduoduo and its privacy settings, please visit:
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It is impossible to see the purchase records of others. Pinduoduo is the mainstream e-commerce application product of mobile Internet in China. A third-party social e-commerce platform focusing on C2M group shopping was established in September 2015. Users can purchase high-quality goods at a lower price through group shopping with friends, family members, neighbors, etc. Pinduoduo aims to attract more people, buy better things at lower prices, and experience more benefits and fun. The social concept formed through communication and sharing has formed Pinduoduo's unique new social e-commerce thinking. In December 2019, Pinduoduo was selected as one of the 100 brands in the 2019 China Brand Power Ceremony. In March 2021, Huang Zheng resigned as the chairman of Pinduoduo, and Chen Lei, the co-founder, took over. By the end of 2020, the number of active buyers of Pinduo for many years had reached 788.4 million, making it the largest e-commerce platform in China.
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Friends who bought goods with friends in Duoduo can see whether friends who bought goods with friends in Duoduo can see them? If you don't close the small circle, your friends will surely see the items you bought for me in it.
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Pinduoduo bought the goods bought by your friends, and your friends can see them. As long as you don't have time to play in small circles, you can see your Pinduoduoduo friends.
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Users on Pinduoduo platform can buy goods at a discount. Many small partners often buy things on Pinduoduo, which is relatively favorable overall. Some small partners want to know whether Pinduoduo can be seen by others. Xixi Xiaobian will introduce to you.

Pinduoduo, can others see what I bought

If users on the Pinduoduo platform open the Pincircle, friends can see the things they buy. If they do not open the Pincircle, they cannot see.
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Search for hot words on the home page of Pinduoduo, which can be seen in many industries. You can also see the click rate and conversion rate,
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ZOL Q&A > Can Pinduoduo see your friends' browsing records


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