How to deal with exceptions when Apple nailed files to WeChat display

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How to deal with exceptions when Apple nailed files to WeChat display
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When you share files to WeChat with your iPhone, you may be prompted with "Exception". This is usually caused by unstable network connections. The solution can start from the following aspects:

First, it is recommended to check the network connection status of the mobile phone. If your phone does not have a good network connection or is in a weak signal coverage area, it may affect the normal sending and receiving of data packets during file transmission, resulting in sharing failure.

Secondly, you can try to reconnect Wi Fi or mobile data traffic. Sometimes, problems with Wi Fi or mobile data traffic can also lead to such exceptions when files are transferred using applications such as staples.

Finally, if the above two cases cannot be solved, it is recommended to uninstall and reinstall the application (such as nailing). Please backup important information before uninstalling to avoid losing it.

In a word, when dealing with such errors, it is necessary to comprehensively consider multiple factors and take corresponding measures to ensure the successful completion of file sharing operations.
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The wps file cannot be shared, and WeChat has an exception. This situation is caused by software conflicts. It is recommended that you download the WPS file again, install it, and then use it. It is better to upgrade WeChat from the official website to the latest version.
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Can be shared to WeChat. The operation steps are as follows:
1. Open the mobile phone home screen, go to the software download center, search and click to download the "WPS office" app.

2. After downloading, find and open the "WPS office" app on the phone's home screen.

3. Open the file to be forwarded with the "WPS office" app.

4. Click the "Tool Button" in the upper right corner to enter the tool interface.

5. After entering the tool interface, select the "Share and Send" function.

6. Jump out of the selection box and click the "Share to WeChat" option.

7. Select a shared WeChat friend to share the document to the WeChat interface.
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What should I do if there is an exception between Apple's pinned file sharing and WeChat display? This is caused by a bug between iOS 13 and WeChat. Occasionally, it can't be shared. The repair method is to quit sharing. If you restart WeChat once, you will not restart the app. Restart the phone directly
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To update the app, long press the document - click WeChat or Buckle - click Send as Attachment in the more sharing method, and be careful not to send it directly to friends, otherwise sending it is an applet.
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