Do you want to shake your voice? Through uid Aite

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Do you want to shake your voice? Through uid Aite
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You can enter @+user ID in the input box to help users, for example, @ 12345678 to help users with user ID 12345678. In addition, dithering can also help users by clicking on their avatar, and then clicking the @ symbol in the upper right corner.
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Less clicks. Dithering is a short video APP platform. The UID number of dithering is hidden. If you find the dithering version and click it continuously, the UID number will appear. If you double-click it, the number will not appear. You need to click it more than 5 times.
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You can see it on your homepage. On my page, the string of numbers+letters below your nickname is your dither ID.
Click me. The top right corner is 3 horizontal bars. Settings, account number and security. The column of "Douyin No." shows your Douyin community uid
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1. Log in to Ditto via mobile phone number or third-party account (such as QQ, WeChat, Weibo, etc.).
2. Click "I" in the upper right corner to enter the personal page, and click "Settings" in the upper right corner to enter the settings page.
3. Click "Account Center" to view your dither UID.
4. On the application task page, fill in your Treble UID to the specified location, and then submit the application.
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9 bits
Hello, so far, the newly registered dithering number of dithering is still 9 digits. In previous years, there were 6.7.8 digits. Now, new users are all 9 digits.
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ZOL Q&A > Do you want to shake your voice? Through uid Aite


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