Does Alipay belong to Alibaba?

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Does Alipay belong to Alibaba?
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Alipay does not belong to Alibaba. Its parent company is Ant Financial, which is independent of Alibaba. Although Jack Ma is a shareholder of Ant Financial and an executive of Alibaba, Alibaba has no direct relationship with Ant Financial legally.
Alipay did belong to Alibaba Group at the beginning of its development, but with the development of Alipay, according to relevant regulations at that time, if Alipay continues to develop, it must obtain a third-party payment license. However, the first two shareholders of Ali are both foreign investors, which does not meet the conditions for obtaining the license at that time.
So in 2011, Ma Yun separated Alipay from Alibaba without the consent of Softbank and Yahoo, making Alipay a pure Chinese capital enterprise. This was the famous "Alipay Independence Event" at that time, and Ma Yun and Ali were under great public pressure.
Softbank and Yahoo, the two largest shareholders of Ali, were very unwilling. They never thought that Alipay would slip away. For Ma Yun and Alibaba, the independence of Alipay is very conducive to the long-term stable development of Alibaba in the long run
After the independence of Ant Financial, it is a foreign-funded enterprise, and the controlling shareholders are all domestic enterprises.
Development information: According to the public data of Qixinbao, the largest shareholder of Alipay is Hangzhou Junhan Equity Investment Partnership, with a shareholding ratio of 28.45%. Hangzhou Jun'ao Equity Investment Partnership is the second largest shareholder, with a shareholding ratio of 21.53%. In addition, the National Social Security Fund holds 2.97% shares, and China Life Insurance holds 1.06% shares. Many minority shareholders will not be listed.
The largest shareholder:
According to public data, Hangzhou Junjie is the largest shareholder of Hangzhou Junhan, holding 97.19% of its shares, while Hangzhou Junjie is all held by Ali's senior executives, mainly LP shares. In addition, Hangzhou Yunbo Investment (100% held by Ma Yun) holds 0.47% shares of Hangzhou Junjie, mainly held by GP.
The second largest shareholder:
According to public data, the largest shareholder of Hangzhou Jun'ao is Hangzhou Junji, with a shareholding ratio of 90.83%. The largest shareholder of Hangzhou Junji is Peng Lei, with a shareholding ratio of 49.71%. Peng Lei was the chairman of Ant Financial Group before and is now a senior vice president of Alibaba.
In addition, Hangzhou Yunbo Investment, 100% controlled by Ma Yun, holds 0.05% of Hangzhou Junji.

It can be found that most of Alipay's shares are held by Ali's executives and partners, and the shares are very scattered, while Ma Yun holds few shares. However, the shares held by Ma Yun in Hangzhou Jun'ao and Junhan belong to GP (general partner), while the shares held by Ali executives belong to LP (limited partner)
The difference between the two is that Ali executives' equity participation is a limited partnership, and they do not participate in the business management activities of the enterprise; Although Ma Yun holds a small proportion of shares, he belongs to the general partner and has the power to make investment decisions and internal management of the enterprise.
Therefore, to some extent, Ma Yun still plays a great role in Alipay's management decisions.
To sum up, Ant Financial Group, to which Alipay belongs, is a pure Chinese enterprise, and the major shareholders are domestic capital, which is different from Alibaba's equity structure.
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You can't say no or all of them.
The full name of Alipay (Hangzhou) Information Technology Co., Ltd. is 100% controlled by Ant Technology Group Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Alibaba Network Technology Co., Ltd., the largest shareholder of Ant Technology Group Co., Ltd., holds 32.65% of the shares.

Shareholders of Alipay

Ant's shareholders
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You are right. Alipay is indeed a company under Alibaba Group. Alibaba has many companies. Alipay is just one of them, which has a relatively large impact.
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A company created by Ma Yunchuang
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China Sa is so simple~~
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