Can Alipay be bound with other people's bank cards

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Can Alipay be bound with other people's bank cards
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According to the regulations of Alipay, it is possible to bind Alipay account numbers with other people's bank cards. When binding a bank card, you only need to enter the correct bank card information and confirm your identity through the verification process to complete the binding. However, the following points should be noted:

1. Bank card holder's consent: please ensure that you have obtained the authorization and consent of the bank card holder before using another bank card for binding.

2. Security risk: There are some security risks in using others' bank cards for binding. Therefore, personal privacy and fund security should be carefully considered in practical operation.

3. Legal compliance: comply with local laws and regulations to ensure the operation is legal and compliant. Some countries or regions may have strict restrictions or prohibitions on such operations.

In short, although it is possible to bind Alipay accounts with other people's bank cards, we should be cautious and abide by relevant rules and requirements.
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Can be used. Many supermarkets have Alipay payment.
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Alipay can use Huabei without binding bank card. There is no connection between the two. However, the higher the degree of perfection of personal identity information, the more comprehensive the services you can enjoy, and the higher the amount of payment through the balance of Alipay account.
The specific methods and steps of using Huabei without card binding on Alipay are as follows:
1. First, find the "Alipay" software on the mobile phone desktop, click the software, enter the Alipay account and password, and successfully log in to the Alipay account.

2. Then, on the opened Alipay program page, find the "My" program option in the lower right corner, and click this option.

3. Then, on the "My" program page, find the "Sesame Credit" program option, and click to enter the "Sesame Credit" program option.

4. Then, the credit score of the Alipay account will be displayed on the opened "Sesame Credit" program page. If the credit score is more than 600 (that is, excellent credit), you can click the "Credit Life" program option in the lower right corner of the page.

5. Then, on the opened "Credit Life" program page, find the "Ant Flower" program option, and click the program option.

6. Then, on the opened "Ant flower" program page, click the "click to view" program option at the bottom, and Alipay will automatically open the Ant flower of the Alipay account. Generally, Alipay with a credit score of more than 600 can open the Ant flower.

7. After completing all the above steps, you can see the amount and bill of Ant Flower in the Alipay account.
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It can be used, but it is not convenient to withdraw and recharge. Some functions are also limited. It is better to bind a bank card of your own.
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It can be used as long as it has already blossomed, but the amount is not very high. About 50 years ago, it is recommended to tie the card because it needs to be repaid.
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No, Alipay can only bind the bank card with the same identity information.
Bank card binding process:
Click My - Bank Card -+to operate according to the prompt on the page.
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First, we need to confirm whether we can launch Huabei. At present, Huabei products have been officially launched, and the target group is gradually expanding. Please continue to pay attention to the launch. Huabei cannot be opened by others. Please do not trust others and disclose personal information to avoid affecting your personal credit record
The process of mobile phone login to Alipay and opening Huabei service
1 Log in to Alipay and click [My] - [Huabei]

2 Click [Open Flower]

3 After signing the contract, you can enter the main page to view the quota of Ant Flower
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