What's wrong with Apple's WeChat background not receiving information

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What's wrong with Apple's WeChat background not receiving information
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We can check and solve the problem of Apple's failure to receive WeChat messages from the following aspects:

1. Confirm the switch setting

First, enter [Settings] - [Notification] in the iPhone system to ensure that WeChat applications allow sending notifications. Secondly, find the WeChat application in the [Settings] of the mobile phone and confirm whether the background refresh function is turned on. Note that when iPhone is in low battery mode, background refresh function will be automatically turned off.

2. Check the network connection

If the push of WeChat messages on the iPhone is delayed or not reminded, it is likely to be related to the network connection. At this time, we can try to change the network or turn on the flight mode and then turn off to regain the network connection. You can also enter the phone [Settings] - [General] - [Restore] and try to restore the network settings.

3. Adjust WeChat APP

In addition to the above two cases, it is also possible that WeChat APP itself has a problem, which leads to the inability to receive messages normally. In this case, we can exit the software on the phone and restart it; In addition, you can also consider uninstalling and reinstalling after backing up important information.

4. Consulting customer service

If the above methods do not solve the problem, you need to seek help from the operator, Apple or WeChat customer service for further troubleshooting and confirmation.

In addition, to ensure that WeChat can run normally in the background of the phone, we need to authorize WeChat to "self start" and turn off the background APP refresh function.

The above is the troubleshooting and solutions for the problem that Apple mobile phones cannot receive WeChat messages. I hope it can help users solve this problem.
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After Apple's WeChat exit, you can't receive messages, which is mainly related to your settings. This can be done by selecting the function of receiving information after exiting after finding the settings. In fact, it is basically the same as the customer's function. " Abstract
Why can't I receive messages after Apple's WeChat exits the background [Ask]
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Why can't I receive messages after Apple's WeChat exits the background [Answer]
After Apple's WeChat exit, you can't receive messages, which is mainly related to your settings. This can be done by selecting the function of receiving information after exiting after finding the settings. In fact, it is basically the same as the customer's function. " Answer
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