What is the impact of deleting WeChat thumbnails

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What is the impact of deleting WeChat thumbnails
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It doesn't matter. It will still be downloaded to you when you need to download it, but the WeChat and WeChat servers will regularly clear the image cache, so the pictures in your friends' chat records or friends' circle are time effective. If the picture cache has been cleared, you can only view the thumbnail in the chat record. Download the required pictures to the mobile phone in time during normal use. Saving method: open the desired picture in the chat record, long press and select to save it to the phone.
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The thumbnail of the mobile phone is a kind of mobile phone cache, which is generated when the building owner surfs the Internet at ordinary times. It's useless

Just install a mobile phone management software and you can clean it with one click

The building owner is suggested to use Tencent mobile phone butler to clear the cache for mobile phones,

Use the garbage cleaning function to clean the software cache, garbage files, system cache, software uninstall residual files, and redundant installation packages.

Specific steps:

Mobile Baidu searches for "Tencent mobile butler" - download and install Tencent mobile butler - open Tencent mobile butler - health optimization - garbage cleaning - garbage scanning - complete
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It can be deleted, but it will slow down the loading speed of the album! Moreover, after deletion, the thumbnail will be regenerated after using the album!
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For file thumbnails such as documents and videos, the space may be reduced after you delete them, and you need to reload the full version when you open it next time. But as long as the cache is not completely emptied or moved to other places, they do not really disappear
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If the thumbnail of the circle of friends is deleted, it will only affect the content you see to become blank, and others can still see the original image. It will not affect others' browsing unless you set not to view preview
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Deleting the thumbnail of WeChat chat record will not affect your chat content, but the picture is missing when the message is displayed, but the original text message is still there. If the other party sends a link or text description, don't worry
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ZOL Q&A > What is the impact of deleting WeChat thumbnails


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