Why is it that the WeChat chat record backed up on the computer is more than 200 megabytes, and only 10 megabytes can be recovered from the mobile phone

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Why is it that the WeChat chat record backed up on the computer is more than 200 megabytes, and only 10 megabytes can be recovered from the mobile phone
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If the WeChat chat record is backed up, you can simply restore the backed up record back to your phone after deleting the record by mistake. But in most cases, many people do not back up their WeChat chat records before deleting them. What should they do? This video details the process of retrieving deleted WeChat chat records without backing up WeChat chat records.
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Link error. Turn on the auxiliary function of the phone and perform USB debugging. You can select charging only or other functions when your phone is connected to the computer
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Maybe the computer phone is different.
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To back up WeChat chat records (take WeChat version 5.3 as an example), please do as follows: Open the application in the phone - WeChat - menu - settings - general - chat record backup and recovery - click "Start backup" - select the records to be backed up - click "Finish" - upload, and you can upload WeChat chat records to the cloud, Then log in to WeChat on another device and download it (due to different WeChat versions, the operation mode is slightly different)
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Press and hold the left mouse button of the copy and paste function, click to the text range you want, and the right mouse button pops up. There is a copy, and then open Notepad, and the right mouse button pops up -- Paste, click the word "File", save as the pop-up file name, enter the file name you want to use, and save. It has changed to txt format. Connect your mobile phone to your computer, find the file name you just created, move or copy it to the ebook on disk I, OK!
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > other > Why is it that the WeChat chat record backed up on the computer is more than 200 megabytes, and only 10 megabytes can be recovered from the mobile phone


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