WeChat Word files can be restored after being recalled

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WeChat Word files can be restored after being recalled
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You can send it again directly. If you want to restore it, try to lose it
WeChat recall messages are not delete messages, but they are similar in form to delete messages, that is, the recalled messages are invisible and difficult to extract. At the same time, from this function, we can easily find that the recall message is actually stored in a file, rather than being deleted immediately after the recall.
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Yes. How to find the withdrawn file on enterprise WeChat: If the administrator modifies the rules of the leave template in [Application Management] - [Approval] in the enterprise WeChat management background, and sets it to allow withdrawal after passing, we can withdraw the approved application, otherwise we cannot revoke it.
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Once the chat record is recalled by the other party, there is no way to view or restore it. Only the system background has the record of sending.
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Cannot recover
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It is impossible to restore what has been withdrawn
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yes. The withdrawal of WeChat Word document collection can be kept for two minutes, so it still exists after the withdrawal. Word document is a word processor application program of Microsoft Corporation.
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1 First, log in to WeChat. Click "WeChat" at the bottom of WeChat main interface. All chat records are under this module, which contains the list of chat records between you and your friends. 2 Click a friend to open the corresponding backup folder. Normally, it is a folder with a file name composed of numbers and letters. After entering, find the "voice" folder 3 WeChat chat records do not support roaming, so when the user uninstalls WeChat, all chat records will be cleared, and will not be restored after the next installation, but you can use some backup software to back up WeChat and its data, and then restore it directly next time. 4. We must obtain the Root permission first, because the text information of version 1.6 is stored in the mobile phone, and other versions can just follow the example. 5. Then find the WeChat folder, namely MicroMsg. This time, you can see the folder with mixed numbers and letters. Enter and find the MicroMsg.db file, which is the database file for storing friends' numbers, nicknames, and chat records. 6 Replace SqliteDev.exe with SqliteDev.exe with the same name, then run sqlite.dev and import it. 7 Then go to find the MicroMsg.db file, which is the database file for storing friend numbers, nicknames, and chat records. Want to back up, simple, direct copy.
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WeChat wants to recall a Word document. If someone is looking at it, the Word document can be recalled. The withdrawal method is:
1. You need to log in to WeChat PC first.

2. Next, find the Word file on your desktop.

3. Drag it to the dialog box of the sender.

4. Click Send in the dialog box to send the Word file to the object you want to send.

5. If you want to recall, you can right-click to recall the sent word document.
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ZOL Q&A > WeChat Word files can be restored after being recalled


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