Can people in the same group (non friends) see the WeChat status?

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Can people in the same group (non friends) see the WeChat status?
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In WeChat, people in the same group can see your WeChat status. WeChat status is a function to show your current mood, activities or thoughts, which will be displayed on your profile page and above the chat interface. Whether you are a friend or not, people in the same group can see the WeChat status you set.

However, if you set yourself to be invisible or turn off "Allow to view my circle of friends", others will not be able to see your WeChat status directly from the chat interface or profile page. At this time, they can only see the relevant content by chatting with you privately or entering the circle of friends.

In short, in the same group, non friends can also see the WeChat status that you have set and is visible to the public (no privacy protection is set). If you want to control who can view your updates, please pay attention to adjusting your privacy settings.
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As long as both parties agree, they can still be added as friends.
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You are strangers. Only friends can see your status
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ZOL Q&A > Can people in the same group (non friends) see the WeChat status?

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