What is the number of WeChat passwords??

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What is the number of WeChat passwords??
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WeChat passwords are composed of 6-20 digits of numbers, letters or symbols. Specifically, the password must contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one number, as well as special characters. This password setting can increase the security of the account and prevent others from guessing or brute force cracking. At the same time, in order to ensure user privacy and account security, WeChat recommends that users regularly change their passwords and do not use too simple or common passwords.
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Set it yourself
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Mobile banking login password is case sensitive, consisting of numbers and letters between 8-20.
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WeChat password can be the same as QQ password by default or can be set separately. The number of WeChat passwords should be at least 6 digits, and should be a combination of letters and numbers.
WeChat Forgot Password FAQ
Bind QQ: use QQ account and QQ password to login WeChat after retrieving QQ account through QQ account complaint
Binding mobile phone: WeChat password has been set: login through mobile phone number+password;
Binding mailbox: reset WeChat password through the binding mailbox;
No other binding methods: WeChat password has been set: login through QQ account+WeChat password; WeChat password has not been set: cannot be retrieved, it is recommended to reapply for WeChat use;
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6-bit to 8-bit
It can be alphanumeric or superimposed
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Any number can be set if you want
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More than 6 digits
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Enter the mobile phone number directly to log in and click Forgot Password. After SMS verification, you will receive a SMS verification code, and then reset the password to log in directly.
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ZOL Q&A > What is the number of WeChat passwords??


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