Double opening method for computer application

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Double opening method for computer application
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Install the software you want to open more. I'll take WeChat as an example.
First, on the computer desktop, or in a blank place on a disk where you want to save this file. Right click, select New, and select New Text Document.
Then rename the new document to the name you want, such as "WeChat Double Open".
Then open the newly created document and enter "start" followed by a space.
Then find the software desktop icon you want to open more, taking WeChat as an example. Place the mouse on the WeChat icon, right-click and select "Properties".
Then, in the property panel, find the target column and copy the content of the target column. My WeChat is installed on disk E.
Paste the content of the target column copied just now after the "start" of the newly created document.
Then, depending on the number of extra openings you need, copy the words you just wrote, and paste them after changing the lines. If you want to double open, you can paste it twice in a new line. If you want to double open, you can paste it five times in a new line. Then save the document. As shown in the figure below, I just need to drive more.
After saving the document, close and exit. Then change the suffix of the document to ". bat" format. When prompted, select OK.
Now we can double open or multi open the file by double clicking it.
If you can't see the suffix in the document, take win10 as the suffix. You can double-click to turn on this computer, click View, and just tick in front of the file extension.
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Tencent game platform, which can be opened, or official Tencent software
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Now you can find a GEdnf0.4 double opener, but if you want to go to their official website, 360 will report the poison, but it can be recovered and reused. I used it for more than two weeks, and nothing happened
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I think the virtual machine should be able to Not necessary for a game
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > other >Double opening method for computer application


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