Why was WeChat transfer rejected by the bank?

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Why was WeChat transfer rejected by the bank?
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1、 Customer service personnel of consulting bank
Generally speaking, you can use WeChat to make transactions. If you show that the bank refuses to make transactions when you transfer through WeChat, it means that there is a problem with your bank card, so the bank will freeze the corresponding business. This is to better maintain the customer's financial security. If this happens, you don't need to be nervous, You can consult the customer service staff of the bank to see if there is any problem with the bank card? According to the operation of the customer service personnel.
2、 See if it's your problem
Of course, this may also happen because you exceeded the limit of the bank card when using the bank card. Then when you use the bank card to transfer money later, WeChat will remind you that there is no way to make transactions, because your limit has already been reached. It may be that you have entered the wrong password for many times, and you will also be unable to pay successfully during the payment process, so you need to see if you have some problems with your mobile phone operation. If the above situation occurs, you don't need to worry. You can transfer money the next day.
3、 Consult WeChat customer service personnel
If the problem is not caused by your own operation or your bank card, you can consult the customer service staff of WeChat to see if there are some mistakes in the payment process of WeChat, and see how the customer service staff answers. You can make the next decision based on the feedback of the customer service staff.
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This is usually your case. The bank card information is wrongly filled in. I suggest you check it yourself, or the bank card cannot be used. Please consult the bank card issuing bank for details
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It may also be that you exceeded the limit of the bank card when you used the bank card at that time, so when you use the bank card to transfer money later, it will be mentioned on WeChat
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It is possible that the transfer amount has exceeded the limit, because there is a limit for transfers every day.
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When WeChat transfers, the bank card prompts to refuse the transaction. There are two situations: one is that the bank card password is locked by mistake, and the second is that the bank card is frozen by the judiciary.
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ZOL Q&A > Why was WeChat transfer rejected by the bank?


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