Why didn't WeChat apply for leave

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Why didn't WeChat apply for leave
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tolerable. Operation method: 1. Enable the approval function, set the visible range and administrator. Enterprise administrators log on to the enterprise WeChat background, enter the application management and approval page, click Open Application, and set the visible range, administrator, and application responsible person in turn. 2. Set leave management (including leave type and leave balance). 3. Click leave management settings to select leave type in the new page. 4. Click Add Type to add or edit leave type.
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1. Open the enterprise WeChat application message interface
2 Press down the workbench and open the workbench interface,
3 Press Approve, open the new approval interface for approval, and then select the template,
4 Press Leave to open the leave interface,
5 Press the rule setting button to open the rule setting interface,
6 Press the approval process to open the approval process interface,
7 Press the default approver add icon, open the add selection interface, and complete the type selection (superior, single member, applicant). At this time, use the superior to complete the selection of the corresponding superior, and then set the countersignature or signature,
8 The approver setting is completed after the addition selection is completed. If more than one person is required to review, press the Add icon to complete the addition selection again,
9 Then exit the approval process interface to complete the approval process settings,
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ZOL Q&A > Why didn't WeChat apply for leave


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