Ask the boss for advice on how to adjust the Dolby sound effect of Lenovo Notebook Saver system to be suitable for bass

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Ask the boss for advice on how to adjust the Dolby sound effect of Lenovo Notebook Saver system to be suitable for bass
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Reset the equalizer pusher to the middle position, and then adjust the pusher section by section according to the sound source effect until you feel appropriate
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Update the video card driver on the official website. Go to the official website to download the corresponding version
It's just a personal suggestion. I hope you can take it
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Update the video card driver on the official website. Go to the official website to download the corresponding version
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ZOL Q&A > Internet behavior management > Other classifications > Ask the boss for advice on how to adjust the Dolby sound effect of Lenovo Notebook Saver system to be suitable for bass

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