Every time after starting up, the microphone needs to be plugged in again to speak. You can't speak without plugging in

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Every time after starting up, the microphone needs to be plugged in again to speak. You can't speak without plugging in
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There may be a problem with the sound card driver. Reinstall the sound card driver, and then go to the control panel to check whether the sound card still has a yellow exclamation mark. If not, it will be normal. If there are some, that's not enough. We need to find the right driver again
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If it's not a problem with the sound card driver or the microphone, it may be a problem with the connector. Some connectors are loose after a long time. In addition, you have to unplug and plug them every time, so they are even looser. There may also be dust accumulation in the connector, causing poor contact.
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The socket is broken, so is mine. I have to pull it out and plug it in again when I use it. It's crazy
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Driver problem, you update the driver. If not, it is Mai's problem. Not a big problem. Thank you for taking it. If it's Mike's problem, didn't you have a ticket when you bought it? Take it to the warranty
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In the main volume, mute the microphone, and then select Options>Properties>Recording. Confirm that the microphone volume point is selected, and then remove the microphone mute from the panel. If the above method does not work, you can find the audio configuration in the control panel (the specific name varies slightly depending on the sound card driver)
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ZOL Q&A > Microphone > system > Phone power on > Every time after starting up, the microphone needs to be plugged in again to speak. You can't speak without plugging in

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